It is official! MARSHALL Middle School is the Champion of the 1st annual eSports Tournament.    Four PUSD Middle Schools; Simons, Marshall, Lorbeer and Emerson competed at the 1st annual SUPER SMASH BROTHERS ULTIMATE showdown at the 23rd annual Black College Expo™ Saturday, Feb.19th. The excitement of the students was palpable as they made their way to the stage and VIP lounge. Situated in their designated areas they were guided by their coaches, motivated by the crowd and ready to own the moment!   It was a nail biter until the end. Marshall students prevailed.

The players wore school color shirts with logos designed by them during the After school STEAM lesson on Brand Awareness.  

The winning team received first place medals and a VR Oculus headset (to each student)

Over 14,000 students/parents and administrators attended the 23rd Annual Black College Expo™ at the LA Convention Center on Feb. 19th, 2022. The tournament was hosted by National College Resources Foundation and Pomona Unified School District.

See all the action in the pics here...

More Information on this Esports Event:

National College Resources Foundation, VEEVA GAMING and Pomona Unified School District invite all Students from Simons, Lorbeer, Emerson and Marshall to earn their spot and represent their school at the

1st Annual NCRF/VEVA GAMING/PUSD Super Smash Bros. Tournament!

For the next five weeks, students from the NCRF/STEAM afterschool program at Simons, Lorbeer, Emerson and Marshall will compete to earn a seat at the tournament.


The final tournament will be held on February 19th, 2022 at the
Black College Expo™ at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall
from 11 am to 2:00pm.  Tickets will be provided to all participants and their families.

All schools are invited to attend and show their School Spirit.

Prizes will be awarded to:

         -The WINNING Players
         -The WINNING school (for bragging rights)
         -To most SPIRITED school (brings the most enthusiasm and school support)

Rules of the Game:
4 Teams will compete in a head to head match on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch.
Each School will have a roster of 7 students
Each player will begin with 3 stocks per person and the person who loses their stocks first will be eliminated and the next student will come on stage against the winner and however many stocks are left.
There will be a total of 4 matches.  Each team will play Round 1 against another school.  The two winning teams will go against each other in the winners bracket and the losing team will face each other in the 3rd and 4th place bracket.

How students earn their spot.
Consult with each team leader at the STEAM afterschool class for details

Transportation to Tournament
If you are a team finalist and find you cannot get transportation to the tournament, please let us know by emailing



A variety of different STEAM disciplines are being taught afterschool at these four middle schools and all the PUSD Grammar schools on behalf of the NCRF/STEAM program.  eSports has become a multi million dollar industry and engages with students at all different levels.  You do not need to be a gamer to understand the industry, it introduces coding, technology, mechanics, design, audio production, programming, marketing, graphics, and more.  Introducing students to all aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Agriculture, Aviation, Aerospace and Mathematics in a fun and engaging way opens the minds of the students to think outside the box and see how interrelated all the career tracks are in today's world.  NCRF/STEAM is here to IGNITE, EXCITE and BUILD the brains of all Students.